At Chippenham Cricket there are lots of opportunities for girls to start playing cricket and/or develop their cricket skills further. We have female ECB qualified coaches running the sessions and a full summer training and fixture programme for both softball and hardball cricket.
Details of our Summer training which starts the first week after Easter holidays and our girls teams are at the bottom of the page. However, the following sessions are also available to attend over the Easter holidays:
Girls Easter Cricket Camp
For School Years 3-6 Easter Holiday Softball Cricket Camp 8th April 10.30am-12.30pm
For School Years 6-8 Easter Holiday Hardball Cricket Camp 8th April 1pm-2.30pm
Both the above events will be held at Chippenham Cricket ground and be run by our ECB qualified female coaches. Booking is essential for these session and you can do this by emailing the club at and providing the names and ages of those you wish to attend. These sessions are free to club members & £5 to non members.
Girls Hardball Transition sessions for Girls aged 13 and under
These sessions that are being run by Cambridgeshire Cricket are looking to support girls and clubs in the county with the transition into hard ball and provide more cricketing opportunities. The dates and location are as follows, to book click on the date you want to attend and complete the form:
Girls Summer Training
Softball training for school years 1-6 every Monday running between 15th April & 19th August.
Hardball training for school years 6-8 every Thursday running between 18th April & 22nd August. All newcomers get two free taster sessions to see if they enjoy the session. Booking is essential though, so if you are not already a member but want to come along and give it a go please email us at and we will contact you to get you booked in.
Girls Summer Matches
We have two girls teams. An U11s Girls Softball team who play in the Cambs league. They play festival cricket, which involves playing 3 matches at a number of festival spread across the summer. These are usually on a Sunday morning.
We then have an U13s Girls hardball team who play in the Cambs league. They play on weekday evenings usually starting at 6pm.
As well as the above we have ladies and hardball softball teams who train on a Thursday evening as well. Those in school years 9,10 and 11 are very welcome to join these sessions.
