Chippenham CC Membership options 2025
The Chippenham CC membership is a critical function of the club. As well as being a major revenue stream, the number and diversity of our membership is an essential ingredient for the club when generating additional funds, through sponsorship, advertising and grants.
The club also recognise the value of being a member can vary depending on your involvement and circumstances. Therefore we have come up with a range of options that we hope will encourage more people to join the club. We also feel it will provide those who feel they get greater value from being involved in the club, to contribute more than a standard membership.
The list of memberships available are below and we very much hope there is an option which allows everyone with an association to the club to join. Instructions on how to join the club are below the membership details.
£10 pa
We know there are many people who feel an attachment to the club but for various reasons are unable to play. The non playing membership means you can still support the club with an important financial contribution and ensure you are kept up to date with everything that is happening at the club
£55 pa
This is the minimum level of membership that is expected from those aged 18 and over who wish to to play cricket at Chippenham CC in 2025. It covers all the Monday night Summer training sessions and plays a major part in covering the cost of preparing the ground for matches and maintaining facilities.
£50 pa
This is a special discounted rate to help encourage young people U10 to get involved in playing cricket at Chippenham CC. covers all the Summer Monday night training sessions and plays a major part in covering the cost on preparing the ground for training and maintaining facilities.
£95 pa
If you join as a family member everyone in your household becomes a member. You also receive vouchers for 25% off a meal for 4 at La Hogue Cafe and 10% off your next order at Mr Cricket. In addition, the whole family benefit from membership rates at events organised by the club.
£55 pa
This is the minimum level of membership that is expected from Juniors aged 10 years and above. It covers all the Summer Monday night training sessions and plays a major part in covering the cost on preparing the ground for training and maintaining facilities.
£135 pa
You can give additional support to the club by becoming a Vice President (VP). As a VP you will receive a lunch invitation to the Presidents match at the ground in the summer. When you join you will also be sent details of an exclusive range of VP Clubwear, which is only available to Chippenham CC VPs. As a new VP you can also choose to receive a complementary Gilet or Polo shirt from the VP Clubwear range.
How to join Chippenham CC
First check the different memberships available (above) and decide which one best suits you. When doing this please remember membership fees are a key financial income for the club. Therefore we ask you select a level that you can afford and reflects the value you feel you get from being associated with the club. In addition, the club benefits from having more members of all ages so please consider the Family Membership and Non Playing Membership so others in your household can also join the club even if they don't play. Once you have chosen your membership you need to do one of the following:
If you are an existing member you just need to transfer your membership fee by bank transfer to the club account shown below. Please take care to add the reference so we know you have paid.
If you are a New member or a Parent of a new member you can email the club at cricketchippenham@gmail.com to express your interest and someone from the club will contact you and take you through the registration process.
Once your membership application is confirmed you just need to transfer your membership fee by bank transfer to the club account shown below. Please take care to add the reference so we know you have paid.
If you have any questions regarding membership please contact Darren Hughes on 07881818047
Membership should be paid directly into the club account
Chippenham CC Bank Details
Bank: Nat West
Account name: Chippenham Cricket Club
Sort Code: 60-15-47
Account: 44392583
Very Important: Please use the reference below that relates to the membership you have chosen- followed by your surname.
Non Playing member = NPM(surname)
Junior Playing member = JPM(surname)
Adult Playing Member = APM(surname)
Family Member = FM(surname)
Vice President = VP(surname)
For example FMHUGHES. This is so we know you have paid!