We are currently fund raising to build a new pavilion, see below for more on this exciting project
New Pavilion Plans
Please find below the plans for the new pavilion. The current pavilion was erected in 1998, so is now well over 2O years old. Our club has grown significantly since then, in particular in the last 10 years. This has seen the introduction of both Adult league cricket and Junior league cricket at Chippenham and has meant a much larger amount of people involved with the club and attending matches. The new pavilion will be a facility that allows the club to continue to evolve from a playing perspective but even more importantly, be a facility which can properly cater for the many different needs of people who attend as a supporter, parent or sibling.
As is the case with the current pavilion the facility will also be available for the Chippenham Tennis Club to use and for other village functions that take place and can benefit from the location and facility. The Chippenham Tennis Club now have a thriving junior section and the new pavilion will help to develop this further. A Pavilion Committee has been formed to move the project forward, which has representatives on from both cricket and tennis clubs.
The plans have been created to meet ECB guidelines and the ongoing needs of our growing club. The total cost of the Pavilion will be around £400K and £40K has already been raised from club events. We are now seeking to match that amount again with donations from local benefactors. Once this is achieved we have identified a number of grants we can access to help us reach the final amount needed. If you feel you may be able to help by making a donation please get in contact with our Tim Hedger who is leading our Pavilion fund-raising effort. He can be contacted on 07768 957200 or email timmytrousers@hotmail.com