The club shall be called the Chippenham Cricket Club. The Club facilities are at Chippenham Park Chippenham Ely Cambs CB7 5PT.
The purpose of the club is to promote and provide facilities for cricket in Chippenham, and to encourage local participation in and support for the game.
(i) The Club is affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board through the Cambridgeshire Cricket Board.
(ii) The Club and its members shall ensure that members, playing and non-playing, abide by the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the Spirit of Cricket and by the Laws of Cricket.
(iii) The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of the policy. The Club must also have a separate club safeguarding Policy Statement, as required by the ECB.
(iv) The Club shall adopt and implement both the ECBs Cricket Unleashed Strategy and the ECB Club Inclusion and Diversity Policy and any future versions of these documents
(i) Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non discriminatory basis.
(ii) The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
(iii) The club has both adult and junior members, and the parent of a junior member is given automatic non-voting membership status of the club as part of the junior membership
(iv) The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.
The officers of the club shall be a President, Vice President, Captain, Secretary and a
Treasurer. They shall be proposed, seconded and elected by ballot at each Annual
General Meeting when they shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election from year to year.
The Committee of Management shall consist of the Chairman, Club Captain, Secretary, Safe Guarding Officer and Treasurer and up to five other elected members, 60% of whom must be resident in Chippenham, Badlingham, Snailwell, Freckenham or Kennett.
The election of members of the Committee shall take place in the following manner:
(i) Any two members of the Club shall be at liberty to nominate a member to serve on the Committee. The name of each member so nominated shall be sent in writing to the Secretary 21 days at least before the Annual General Meeting, accompanied by a letter from the candidate consenting to serve; if elected.
(ii) A list of the names in alphabetical order shall be affixed to the noticeboard of the
Club 14 days at least before the Annual General Meeting. Balloting lists shall be
prepared containing the names of the candidates only and each member present at the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to vote for any number of such
candidates nominated, the Committee may nominate candidates for the remaining
vacancies. If two or more candidates obtain an equal number of votes, the
Committee shall select by lot from such candidates the candidate or candidates who are to be members of the Committee.
(iii) Of the members of the Committee: members shall be eligible for re-election each year at the AGM. Members shall, if necessary for the purpose of creating vacancies on the Committee, retire in order of seniority, and in case of equal seniority, the order of retirement shall be determined by lots.
Any vacancy on the Committee shall be filled up by the Committee and any member so chosen shall retire at the following Annual General Meeting, but shall be eligible as a candidate for election on the Committee at such Annual General Meeting.
The Committee, in addition to the powers specifically conferred on it by the rules
below, shall have the control of the finances of the Club, power to engage, control and dismiss the Club staff, and all such administrated powers as may be necessary for properly carrying out the objects of the Club in accordance with these rules.
The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club, and shall have the
custody of all documents belonging to the Club and shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings, and records of all competitions of the Club.
The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Club and shall make up the Annual
Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Club from November to October in each year which shall, after audit, be made available to all members when Notice of the Annual General Meeting is given.
i) All members will be issued with a copy of the Code of Conduct of the Club.
ii) The club will ensure the duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ECB Cricket Equity Policy and any future versions of the Policy.
iii) The club will ensure the duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ECB ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any future versions of the Policy.
iv) Members agree to be bound by the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code.
i)The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules; all surplus income is invested in the Club.
ii)The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, away-match expenses, post-match refreshments and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2002.
iii)The Club may also in connection with the purposes of the club:
a) sell and supply food, drink, cricket clothing and equipment
b) employ members (though not for playing) and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned being present
c)pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests
d)indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the club (but only to the extent of its assets)
iv)The Committee will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and child protection.
i)The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than 75% of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting
ii)The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club and its affairs
iii)After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
a) another club with similar purposes which is a registered charity and/or
b) another club with similar purposes which is a registered CASC and/or
c)the Sport’s governing body for use by them for related community sports
iv) In the event of the winding up of the club, all rights granted to the Club by the Landlord under the terms of the club’s lease will cease. The lease itself will be cancelled within 30 days of the club’s winding up.
Two members shall be appointed auditors at the Annual General Meeting. They or
one of them shall audit and then certify the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance sheet, before they are issued.
Admission of members shall be approved by the Committee on the basis of the principles set out in paragraphs 2. and 3. Once a new member has been approved, the Secretary shall notify him in writing of his election, furnish him with a copy of the Rules and request him to pay his entrance fee and the first subscription to the Treasurer. No member shall enjoy any of the benefits or privileges of the Club until such payment shall have been made, and, if such payment is not made within one month from the date of the Secretary's notice his membership shall be void, unless the member shall show sufficient cause for such delay to the satisfaction of the Committee.
The entrance fee shall be one year’s subscription and the annual subscription shall be sum as is fixed from time to time by the Committee. Members elected on or after 1st September in each year shall be liable for only half the annual subscription for such year.
All annual subscriptions shall be payable in advance on the 1st January, on which day the financial year shall commence. No member whose subscription is in arrears can compete in any Club event, or vote at any meeting. A list of all such members shall be posted in the Club house on 1st March annually. Any member whose subscription is unpaid on 31st March shall, subject to a contrary decision of the Committee cease to be a member and his name erased from the books of the Club, but may be replaced by the Committee upon an available vacancy and on payment of all arrears.
On the recommendation of the Committee an ordinary member may be elected a life member at any general meeting of the Club, who shall then be entitled to all the
privileges of membership without paying the annual subscription or any special
payment for such life membership. Two thirds majority of those present shall be
necessary at such election. There shall not be more than 20 life members of the Club at any one time.
A member may at any time by giving notice in writing to the secretary resign his
membership of the Club, but shall continue to be liable for any annual subscription due and unpaid at the date of his resignation. Any such member having discharged all his liabilities to the Club and wishing to rejoin may, upon an available vacancy, be
proposed and admitted in accordance with those rules, and the Committee may, at its discretion, excuse him any entrance fee.
To expel a member from the Club notice shall be sent to the secretary signed by 5
members acquainting him with the circumstances that gave risk to such notice. The
Secretary shall then communicate with such member (so that he may have the
opportunity for explaining or withdrawing from the Club) and shall call a meeting of
the Committee, which is empowered to decide the question. If a two-thirds majority if the Committee present vote for his expulsion, the member shall be expelled. Any
member so expelled shall have the right of appeal exercisable by notice in writing to
the Secretary within 14 days of expulsion to an extraordinary general meeting of the
Club (at which he will be given the opportunity to be heard) to be summoned within 21 days of receipt of notice of appeal, when a two thirds majority of those present shall be required to confirm the expulsion, If the expulsion is not confirmed the member shall be reinstated.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held once each calendar year at such
time and place as the Committee shall determine.
At least fourteen days notice of any general meeting specifying the business to be
transacted, and the day, place and hour of the meeting shall either be sent to every
member by letter to his address as given in the Club register, or posted prominently in the Club room.
The Committee may call an extraordinary general meeting when any question of urgent importance shall arise, and shall be bound to do so on receiving a requisition signed by 5 members of the Club or a member who has been expelled by the Committee and desires to appeal to an extraordinary general meeting.
No Rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered, and no new Rule shall be made, save by the two thirds majority of the members present at a general meeting, and at least 30 days notice of the intention to propose any new Rule or alteration shall be given to the Secretary who shall wither send Notice to every member to his address as given in the Club Register or post a Notice prominently in the Club Room at least fourteen days before the general meeting.
All complaints shall be made in writing to the Secretary, who if he shall be unable to
deal with them, shall submit them to the Committee whose decision shall be final. In
no instance shall any Club staff be reprimanded directly by a Member.
No paper, notice or placard, written or printed shall be exhibited, put in the Club
House or in any way bought to the notice of members without the sanction of a
Member of the Committee.
Every Member shall be bound by and submit to the Rules and By-laws of the Club. In
addition they shall abide with both the spirit and letter of the current laws of Cricket
(or any other game) played at the Club.
The headings to these rules are for use of reference only and shall not be taken into
account in their interpretation.