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Code of conduct for *Members, guests and visitors​
Members and Guests of Chippenham Cricket Club are required to abide by the provisions of this Code of Conduct. Their presence on club premises or at club events or activities are deemed they have accepted and will abide by the provisions of this Code and any other relevant Codes of Conduct, Rules or Regulations the Club has adopted.
All Members and Guests of Chippenham Cricket Club will:
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of Cricket.
Respect the ground, its surrounding and the privacy of those living on the park.
Ensure rubbish is taken away with you when you leave the ground or place it in one of the bins provided.
Ensure the club’s equipment and facilities are used for the purpose for which they were designed. Take care to avoid unnecessary wear and tear to club equipment and facilities.
If you are the last person leaving the ground ensure the gates at the entrance to the ground are closed.
Ensure no loud music, or loud or abusive behaviour occurs at the ground.
Ensure the ground is only used for playing and practicing cricket, preparing the facilities for cricket, or for events being run by the club or where approval has been gained by the club committee.
When bringing dogs to the ground ensure they are kept on a lead and take any dog litter away with you.
Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed. Furthermore as agreed at the club's 2022 AGM Chippenham CC have agreed to be bound by the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code, which can be viewed by clicking here
Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and rules and play within them, respecting the decisions of match officials.
Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials.
Recognise good performance not just match results.
Report to a member of the club committee any occurrence that is in breach of the above.
If a breach of the provisions or principles of this Code occurs or is reasonably suspected to have occurred the Club reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to asking the person responsible for the breach to leave the Club premises. Any disciplinary or complaint hearings in connection with a breach of these rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary procedure as set out in the Club constitution or Cricket Section Regulations as may be amended from time to time.
*Members and Guests include all members, officers and volunteers of the Cricket Club and all guests of those members, officers and volunteers, as well as all individuals who watch / attend / participate / officiate in matches hosted by the club in whatever capacity
Codes of Conduct for Parents/Carers and Juniors
1. Encourage your child to learn the laws/rules and to play within them.
2. Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.
3. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
4. Never force your child to take part in sport.
5. Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
6. Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
7. Publicly accept officials’ judgments.
8. Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
9. Use correct and proper language at all times.
10. Ensure any fees due are paid promptly.
As a junior member of Chippenham C.C. you are expected to abide by the following junior club rules:
1. You must play within the laws/rules and respect officials and their decisions.
2. You must respect your opponents.
3. You must keep to agreed times for training and competitions, or inform your coach or team manager if you are going to be late.
4. You must wear suitable kit for training and competitions as agreed with your coach or team manager.