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Alan Wright Development Fund

The Alan Wright Development Fund is aimed at helping individuals better themselves and attend training that will enable them to help others improve. The fund is organised in memory of Alan Wright who was a member of Chippenham CC from 2001 until his sudden passing in August 2022. Alan made a significant contribution during his time at the club and Chippenham CC wanted to do something to ensure his impact and energy for the club wasn’t forgotten. 


Alan was helped himself by a scholarship to Bedford School. This undoubtedly helped him achieve his full potential. His long and distinguished career in teaching helped many to develop and flourish. During his working life and in retirement, his desire to volunteer was one of his many virtues. Organising local quizzes, helping the twinning association of Newmarket and of course his unstinting work on the cricket ground at Chippenham. Therefore setting up a fund in his name aimed at supporting others to do the same thing seemed an appropriate way of remembering him.


The initial contributions to the fund came from the donations made at Alan’s funeral to the club. The club will also contribute an amount each year to the Fund. And the club will hold additional fundraising initiatives to boast the fund each year. 


The fund is be held and managed by Treasurer of Chippenham Cricket Club. An inaugural team of committee members who knew Alan well have been set up to consider any applications for funding. They are  Kevin Pallant, Tom Gallop, Simon Gibson and Sue Blazey.

The fund is not necessary just available to use for cricket related activities and the committee welcomes applications for funding from the wider community. We feel this is important as it reflects the fact that Alan’s contribution to the local community extended beyond the cricket club. Applications for funding of between £50 and £300 are welcome.


For applications to be viewed in a fair and structured manner the committee will only review applications made on the Fund's application form .. On occasions you may be asked to provide further information at a later date. In addition, if you feel you need to explain more than the application form allows you to, then please talk to one of the committee in more detail about your request. They can then pass the addition information to the rest of the committee when they meet. 


Please remember the only requests that will be considered are those for which an application form has been completed.  The application form can be printed using the link below.


If you would like to contribute to the Alan Wright Development Fund you can do so by transferring your donation to the club bank account using the reference AWDF. The club's bank details are as follows: Bank: Nat West, Sort Code: 60-15-47 Account number: 44392583


Donations will be made quarterly. Applications for donations can be made by the last day of each quarter, (June 30th, September 30th, December 31st and March 31st). An announcement informing people of the successful bids will be made by the 10th of the month following the application deadline.

Before making your application you should consider if it meets one or more of the following criteria:

  1. The request supports an initiative that will help an individual or group develop themselves in such a way that will result in others benefiting.

  2. The request supports an individual or group in taking advantage of a rare opportunity and the experience is expected to have a positive impact on their future development. 

Click on the PDF link below to print the application form. Completed application forms should be sent to





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